As of February 1st 2025 Moab® is not licensed any more.
As a consequence, the tools previously provided by the module |
Torque scheduler
Any kind of calculation on the bwForCluster BinAC compute nodes requires the user to define calculations as a sequence of commands or single command together with required run time, number of CPU cores and main memory and submit all, i.e., the batch job, to a resource and workload managing software. Therefore any job submission by the user is to be executed by commands of the Torque scheduler. Torque queues and runs user jobs based on fair sharing policies.
Torque Commands
Some of the most used Torque commands for non-administrators working on the bwForCluster BinAC
Torque commands | Brief explanation |
qsub | Submits a job and queues it in an input queue [qsub] |
Job Submission : qsub
Batch jobs are submitted by using the command qsub. The main purpose of the qsub command is to specify the resources that are needed to run the job. qsub will then queue the batch job. However, starting of batch job depends on availability of the requested resources and the fair sharing value.
qsub Command Parameters
The syntax and use of qsub can be displayed via:
$ man qsub
qsub options can be used from the command line or in your job script.
qsub Options | ||
Command line | Script | Purpose |
-l resources | #PBS -l resources | Defines the resources that are required by the job. See the description below for this important flag. |
-N name | #PBS -N name | Gives a user specified name to the job. |
-o filename | #PBS -o filename | Defines the file-name to be used for the standard output stream of the batch job. By default the file with defined file name is placed under your |
-q queue | #PBS -q queue | Defines the queue class |
-v variable=arg | #PBS -v variable=arg | Expands the list of environment variables that are exported to the job |
-S Shell | #PBS -S Shell | Declares the shell (state path+name, e.g. /bin/bash) that interpret the job script |
-m bea | #PBS -m bea | Send email when job begins (b), ends (e) or aborts (a). |
-M | #PBS -M | Send email to the specified email address "". Be careful what you wish for, this may generate a lot of emails! |
qsub -l resource_list
The -l option is one of the most important qsub options. It is used to specify a number of resource requirements for your job. Multiple resource strings are separated by commas.
qsub -l resource_list | ||
resource | Purpose | |
-l nodes=2:ppn=16 | Number of nodes and number of processes per node | |
-l walltime=600 -l walltime=01:30:00 |
Wall-clock time. Default units are seconds. HH:MM:SS format is also accepted. | |
-l pmem=1000mb | Maximum amount of physical memory used by any single process of the job. Allowed units are kb, mb, gb. Be aware that processes are either MPI tasks | |
-l advres=res_name | Specifies the reservation "res_name" required to run the job. |
qsub -q queues
Queue classes define maximum resources such as walltime, nodes and processes per node and partition of the compute system. Note that queue settings of the bwHPC cluster are not identical, but differ due to their different prerequisites, such as HPC performance, scalability and throughput levels. Details can be found here:
With the change from MOAB to Torque, you may have to adapt your jobscripts in order to use certain queues:
- gpu: add
to the node/proc resource request, e.g.:-l nodes=x:ppn=n:gpu
- short: add
to the node/proc resource request, e.g.:-l nodes=x:ppn=n:short
- long: add
to the node/proc resource request, e.g.:-l nodes=x:ppn=n:long
- smp: add
to the node/proc resource request, e.g.:-l nodes=x:ppn=n:smp
- inter: add
to the node/proc resource request, e.g.:-l nodes=x:ppn=n:inter
qsub Examples
Serial Programs
To submit a serial job that runs the script and that requires 5000 MB of main memory and 3 hours of wall clock time
a) execute:
$ qsub -q short -N test -l nodes=1:ppn=1,walltime=3:00:00,mem=5000mb
or b) add after the initial line of your script the lines (here with a high memory request):
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -l walltime=3:00:00
#PBS -l mem=200gb
#PBS -N test
and execute the modified script with the command line option -q smp, as the compute nodes only have 128GB memory.
$ qsub -q smp
Note, that qsub command line options overrule script options.
Multithreaded Programs
Multithreaded programs operate faster than serial programs on CPUs with multiple cores.
Moreover, multiple threads of one process share resources such as memory.
For multithreaded programs based on Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP) number of threads are defined by the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS. By default this variable is set to 1 (OMP_NUM_THREADS=1).
To submit a batch job called OpenMP_Test that runs a fourfold threaded program omp_executable which requires 6000 MByte of total physical memory and total wall clock time of 3 hours:
- generate the script containing the following lines:
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4
#PBS -l walltime=3:00:00
#PBS -l mem=6000mb
#PBS -v EXECUTABLE=./omp_executable
#PBS -v MODULE=<placeholder>
#PBS -N OpenMP_Test
#Usually you should set
export KMP_AFFINITY=compact,1,0
#export KMP_AFFINITY=verbose,compact,1,0 prints messages concerning the supported affinity
#KMP_AFFINITY Description:
module load ${MODULE}
echo "Executable ${EXECUTABLE} running on ${PBS_NUM_PPN} cores with ${OMP_NUM_THREADS} threads"
echo $startexe
exec $startexe
Using Intel compiler the environment variable KMP_AFFINITY switches on binding of threads to specific cores and, if necessary, replace <placeholder> with the required modulefile to enable the OpenMP environment and execute the script adding the queue class short as qsub option:
$ qsub -q short
Note, that qsub command line options overrule script options, e.g.,
$ qsub -l mem=2000mb -q short
overwrites the script setting of 6000 MByte with 2000 MByte.
MPI Parallel Programs
MPI parallel programs run faster than serial programs on multi CPU and multi core systems. N-fold spawned processes of the MPI program, i.e., MPI tasks, run simultaneously and communicate via the Message Passing Interface (MPI) paradigm. MPI tasks do not share memory but can be spawned over different nodes.
Multiple MPI tasks can not be launched by the MPI parallel program itself but via mpirun, e.g. 4 MPI tasks of my_par_program:
$ mpirun -n 4 my_par_program
Generate a script for OpenMPI containing the following lines:
module load mpi/openmpi/<placeholder_for_version>
# Use when loading OpenMPI in version 1.8.x
mpirun --bind-to core --map-by core -report-bindings my_par_program
# Use when loading OpenMPI in an old version 1.6.x
mpirun -bind-to-core -bycore -report-bindings my_par_program
Attention: Do NOT add mpirun options -n <number_of_processes> or any other option defining processes or nodes, since Torque instructs mpirun about number of processes and node hostnames. Use ALWAYS the MPI options --bind-to core and --map-by core|socket|node (OpenMPI version 1.8.x). Please type mpirun --help for an explanation of the meaning of the different options of mpirun option --map-by.
Considering 4 OpenMPI tasks on a single node, each requiring 1000 MByte, and running for 1 hour, execute:
$ qsub -q short -l nodes=1:ppn=4,pmem=1000mb,walltime=01:00:00
Multithreaded + MPI parallel Programs
Multithreaded + MPI parallel programs operate faster than serial programs on multi CPUs with multiple cores. All threads of one process share resources such as memory. On the contrary MPI tasks do not share memory but can be spawned over different nodes.
Multiple MPI tasks using OpenMPI must be launched by the MPI parallel program mpirun. For multithreaded programs based on Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP) number of threads are defined by the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS. By default this variable is set to 1 (OMP_NUM_THREADS=1).
For OpenMPI a job-script to submit a batch job called that runs a MPI program with 4 tasks and an fivefold threaded program ompi_omp_program requiring 6000 MByte of physical memory per process/thread (using 5 threads per MPI task you will get 5*6000 MByte = 30000 MByte per MPI task) and total wall clock time of 3 hours looks like:
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=10
#PBS -l walltime=03:00:00
#PBS -l pmem=6000mb
#PBS -v MPI_MODULE=mpi/ompi
#PBS -v MPIRUN_OPTIONS="--bind-to core --map-by socket:PE=5 -report-bindings"
#PBS -v EXECUTABLE=./ompi_omp_program
#PBS -N test_ompi_omp
module load ${MPI_MODULE}
echo "${EXECUTABLE} running on ${PBS_NUM_PPN} cores with ${TASK_COUNT} MPI-tasks and ${OMP_NUM_THREADS} threads"
startexe="mpirun -n ${TASK_COUNT} ${MPIRUN_OPTIONS} ${EXECUTABLE}"
echo $startexe
exec $startexe
Execute the script adding the queue class multinode to your qsub command:
$ qsub -q multinode
- With the mpirun option --bind-to core MPI tasks and OpenMP threads are bound to physical cores.
- With the option --map-by socket:PE=<value> (neighbored) MPI tasks will be attached to different sockets and each MPI task is bound to the (in <value>) specified number of cpus. <value> must be set to ${OMP_NUM_THREADS}.
- Old OpenMPI version 1.6.x: With the mpirun option -bind-to-core MPI tasks and OpenMP threads are bound to physical cores.
- With the option -bysocket (neighbored) MPI tasks will be attached to different sockets and the option -cpus-per-proc <value> binds each MPI task to the (in <value>) specified number of cpus. <value> must be set to ${OMP_NUM_THREADS}.
- The option -report-bindings shows the bindings between MPI tasks and physical cores.
- The mpirun-options --bind-to core', --map-by socket|...|node:PE=<value> should always be used when running a multithreaded MPI program. (OpenMPI version 1.6.x: The mpirun-options -bind-to-core, -bysocket|-bynode and -cpus-per-proc <value> should always be used when running a multithreaded MPI program.)
Handling job script options and arguments
Job script options and arguments as followed:
$ ./ -n 10
can not be passed while using qsub command since those will be interpreted as command line options of (like $1 = -n, $2 = 10).
Solution A:
Submit a wrapper script, e.g.
$ qsub -q singlenode
which simply contains all options and arguments of The script would at least contain the following lines:
./ -n 10
Solution B:
Add after the header of your BASH script the following lines:
## check if $SCRIPT_FLAGS is "set"
if [ -n "${SCRIPT_FLAGS}" ] ; then
## but if positional parameters are already present
## we are going to ignore $SCRIPT_FLAGS
if [ -z "${*}" ] ; then
set -- ${SCRIPT_FLAGS}
These lines modify your BASH script to read options and arguments from the environment variable $SCRIPT_FLAGS. Now submit your script as followed:
$ qsub -q singlenode -v SCRIPT_FLAGS='-n 10'
Environment Variables
Once an eligible compute jobs starts on the compute system, PBS (our resource manager) adds the following variables to the job's environment:
PBS variables | ||
Environment variables | Description | |
PBS_JOBID | Job ID | |
PBS_JOBNAME | Job name | |
PBS_NUM_NODES | Number of nodes allocated to job | |
PBS_QUEUE | Partition name the job is running in | |
PBS_NP | Number of processors allocated to job | |
PBS_O_WORKDIR | Directory of job submission | |
PBS_O_LOGNAME | User name |
Interpreting PBS exit codes
- The PBS Server logs and accounting logs record the ‘exit status’ of jobs.
- Zero or positive exit status is the status of the top-level shell.
- Certain negative exit statuses are used internally and will never be reported to the user.
- The positive exit status values indicate which signal killed the job.
- Depending on the system, values greater than 128 (or on some systems 256, see wait(2) or waitpid(2) for more information) are the value of the signal that killed the job.
- To interpret (or ‘decode’) the signal contained in the exit status value, subtract the base value from the exit status.
For example, if a job had an exit status of 143, that indicates the jobs was killed via a SIGTERM (e.g. 143 - 128 = 15, signal 15 is SIGTERM).
Job termination
- The exit code from a batch job is a standard Unix termination signal.
- Typically, exit code 0 means successful completion.
- Codes 1-127 are generated from the job calling exit() with a non-zero value to indicate an error.
- Exit codes 129-255 represent jobs terminated by Unix signals.
- Each signal has a corresponding value which is indicated in the job exit code.
Job termination signals
Specific job exit codes are also supplied by the underlying resource manager of the cluster's batch system. More detailed information can be found in the corresponding documentation:
Submitting Termination Signal
Here is an example, how to 'save' a qsub termination signal in a typical bwHPC-submit script.
echo "### Calling YOUR_PROGRAM command ..."
mpirun -np 'NUMBER_OF_CORES' $YOUR_PROGRAM_BIN_DIR/runproc ... (options) 2>&1
[ "$exit_code" -eq 0 ] && echo "all clean..." || \
echo "Executable ${YOUR_PROGRAM_BIN_DIR}/runproc finished with exit code ${$exit_code}"
- Do not use 'time' mpirun! The exit code will be the one submitted by the first (time) program and not the qsub exit code.
- You do not need an exit $exit_code in the scripts.
List your jobs and show job details : qstat
Displays information about active, eligible, blocked, and/or recently completed jobs. When used without flags, this command displays all jobs in active, idle, and non-queued states.
- Show all your jobs:
qstat -u $USER
- Show details about a specific job:
qstat -f JOBID
- For further options of qstat read the manpage of qstat.
Canceling own jobs : qdel
The qdel <JobId> command is used to selectively cancel the specified job(s) (active, idle, or non-queued) from the queue.
Note that only own jobs can be cancelled.
This command can be run by any Administrator and by the owner of the job.
Flag | Name | Format | Default | Description | Example |
-h | HELP | n./a. | Display usage information | $ canceljob -h | |
JOB ID | <STRING> | (none) | a jobid, a job expression, or the keyword 'ALL' | see: example use of canceljob |
Example Use of qdel
Example use of qdel run on BinAC
[...calc_repo-0]$ qsub bwhpc-fasta-example.pbs 8374356 # this is the JobId $ $ qstat -f 8374356 (base) [tu_iioba01@login03 samtools]$ qstat -f 11870719 Job Id: 8374356 Job_Name = bwhpc-fasta-example.pbs Job_Owner = tu_iioba01@login03 resources_used.cput = 00:00:02 resources_used.energy_used = 0 resources_used.mem = 1580kb resources_used.vmem = 56404kb resources_used.walltime = 00:00:03 job_state = R [...] $ # now cancel the job $ qdel 8374356 Terminated $ qstat -f 8374356 | grep state: job_state = C