BwUniCluster2.0/Software/Mathematica: Difference between revisions

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Interactive with command line:
Interactive with command line:
$ math

Interactive with GUI (needs X11 forwarding):
Interactive with GUI (needs X11 forwarding):
$ mathematica

./math < script.m
$ math < script.m

For an introduction to Mathematica we refer to the online documentation. Specific information on the use in a compute cluster is in the next section.
For an introduction to Mathematica we refer to the online documentation. Specific information on the use in a compute cluster is in the next section.

Revision as of 00:44, 8 July 2014

Mathematica might not be available on all locations.

module load math/mathematica
License Commercial
Links Homepage; Documentation;
Graphical Interface Yes
Included in module

Mathematica is a software from Wolfram for symbolic and numerical computation with many features such as powerful visualization and application specific functions.


To check if Mathematica is available execute

$ module avail math/mathematica

If Mathematica is available you can load a specific version or you can load the default version with

$ module load math/mathematica

General Usage

Mathematica can be used interactively on the command line or with a graphical front-end. Alternatively Mathematica can run a script in batch mode which is useful when submitting batch jobs to the cluster. After loading Mathematica the different modes can be used as follows.

Interactive with command line:

$ math

Interactive with GUI (needs X11 forwarding):

$ mathematica


$ math < script.m

For an introduction to Mathematica we refer to the online documentation. Specific information on the use in a compute cluster is in the next section.

Parallel Computation

Obviously parallel computation can be useful to speed up a long running computation but it should also be used when multiple computations with different input data are needed (e.g. for parametric studies). The reason for this is the license model from Wolfram. There are two types of licenses.

  • Each time an instance of Mathematica starts, a so called MathKernel license is used up.
  • Each time Mathematica spawns a subprocess, a license called SubMathKernel is used up.

Because usually there are much more SubMathKernel licenses than MathKernel licenses it is recommended to start multiple subprocesses instead of submitting multiple jobs.

Remember to request the right amount of processors in your job script but note that Mathematica will not automatically use these processors. In general you have to change your code to benefit from more cores. To do this you first have to start a number of kernels which are then used by ParallelTable to run the computations in parallel. This basic example computes the first eight square numbers in parallel.

f[i_] := i^2
ParallelTable[f[i], {i,0,7}]

Note that the use of DistributeDefinitions is necessary for f is a user defined function and the definition of this function must be available to all kernels.

The next example is the computation of the numerical solution of the following initial value problem

x'(t) = x(t)^2 - x(t)^3
x(0) = d

It is difficult to solve this equation with high accuracy at the point 1/d. We decrease the step size of the algorithm to see how the execution time and the relative error at the point 1/d change.

d = 0.00001

y[t_] := 1/(ProductLog[(1/d-1)*Exp[1/d-1-t]]+1)	(* analytical solution *)
relerr[t_, s_] := Abs[(y[t] - x[t]/.s)/y[t]]			(* relative error of solution s at time t*)
g[v_] := {v[[1]], v[[2]][[1]], relerr[1/d, v[[2]][[2]][[1]]]}	(* helper function *)

(* compute numerical solutions for 6 different step sizes *)
tbl = ParallelTable[{step, Timing[NDSolve[{x'[t] == x[t]^2 - x[t]^3, x[0] == d}, x, {t, 0, 2/d}, MaxStepSize->step, MaxSteps->10000000]]}, {step,5,3,-0.2}]

Grid[Join[{{"Stepsize", "Time", "Error at 1/d"}}, Map[g, tbl]]]	(* print the result *)

There are other functions similar to ParallelTable which are documented on the site which provides general information on parallel computing with Mathematica.