BwForCluster JUSTUS 2 Slurm HOWTO: Difference between revisions

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* --nodes=1 and --tasks-per-node=1 may be replaced by --ntasks=1.
* --nodes=1 and --tasks-per-node=1 may be replaced by --ntasks=1.
* If not specified, stdout and stderr are both written to slurm-%j.out.
* If not specified, stdout and stderr are both written to slurm-%j.out.

== How to emulate Moab output file names? ==

Use the following directives:

#SBATCH --output="%x.o%j"
#SBATCH --error="%x.e%j"

== How to pass command line arguments to the job script? ==

Run <pre>sbatch <job-script> arg1 arg2 ...</pre>

Inside the job script the arguments can be accessed as $1, $2, ...


./my_serial_program < "$infile" > "$outfile" 2>&1


* Do '''not''' use $1, $2, ... in "#SBATCH" lines. These parameters can be used only within the regular shell script.

== How to request local scratch (SSD/NVMe) at job submission? ==

Use --gres=scratch:nnn option to allocate nnn GB of local (i.e. node-local) scratch space for the entire job.

Example: --gres=scratch:100 will allocate 100GB scratch space.


* Do '''not''' add any unit (such as --gres=scratch:100G). This will would be treated as requesting an amount of 10^9 * 100GB of scratch space.

* Multinode jobs get nnn GB of local scratch space on every node of the job.

* Environment variable $SCRATCH will point to
** /scratch/<user>.<jobid> when local scratch has been requested
** /tmp/<user>.<jobid> when no local scratch has not been requested

* Environment variable $TMPDIR always points point to /tmp/<user>.<jobid>

* For backward compatibility environment variable $RAMDISK always points to /tmp/<user>.<jobid>

* Scratch space allocation in /scratch will be enforced by quota limits

* Data written to $TMPDIR will always count against allocated memory.

Revision as of 14:42, 17 April 2020

The bwForCluster JUSTUS 2 is a state-wide high-performance compute resource dedicated to Computational Chemistry and Quantum Sciences in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

Slurm Howto


This is a collection of howtos and convenient commands that I initially wrote for internal use at Ulm only. Scripts and commands have been tested within our Slurm test environment at JUSTUS (running Slurm 19.05 at the moment).

Maybe you find this collection useful, but use on your own risk. Things may behave differently with different Slurm versions and configurations.


How to find Slurm FAQ?

How to find a Slurm cheat sheet?

How to get more information?

(Almost) every Slurm command has a man page. Use it.

Online versions:


How to submit an interactive job?

Use srun command, e.g.:

$ srun --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=8 --pty bash 

How to enable X11 forwarding for an interactive job?

Use --x11 flag, e.g.

$ srun --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=8 --pty --x11 bash     # run shell with X11 forwarding enabled
$ srun --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=8 --pty --x11 xterm    # directly launch terminal window on node


  • For X11 forwarding to work, you must also enable X11 forwarding for your ssh login from your local computer to the cluster, i.e.:
local> ssh -X <username>>

How to submit a batch job?

Use sbatch command:

 $ sbatch <job-script> 

How to convert Moab batch job scripts to Slurm?

Replace Moab/Torque job specification flags and environment variables in your job scripts by their corresponding Slurm counterparts.

Commonly used Moab job specification flags and their Slurm equivalents

Option Moab (msub) Slurm (sbatch)
Script directive #MSUB #SBATCH
Job name -N <name> --job-name=<name> (-J <name>)
Account -A <account> --account=<account> (-A <account>)
Queue -q <queue> --partition=<partition> (-p <partition>)
Wall time limit -l walltime=<hh:mm:ss> --time=<hh:mm:ss> (-t <hh:mm:ss>)
Node count -l nodes=<count> --nodes=<count> (-N <count>)
Core count -l procs=<count> --ntasks=<count> (-n <count>)
Process count per node -l ppn=<count> --ntasks-per-node=<count>
Core count per process --cpus-per-task=<count>
Memory limit per node -l mem=<limit> --mem=<limit>
Memory limit per process -l pmem=<limit> --mem-per-cpu=<limit>
Job array -t <array indices> --array=<indices> (-a <indices>)
Node exclusive job -l naccesspolicy=singlejob --exclusive
Initial working directory -d <directory> (default: $HOME) --chdir=<directory> (-D <directory>) (default: submission directory)
Standard output file -o <file path> --output=<file> (-o <file>)
Standard error file -e <file path> --error=<file> (-e <file>)
Combine stdout/stderr to stdout -j oe --output=<combined stdout/stderr file>
Mail notification events -m <event> --mail-type=<events> (valid types include: NONE, BEGIN, END, FAIL, ALL)
Export environment to job -V --export=ALL (default)
Don't export environment to job (default) --export=NONE
Export environment variables to job -v <var[=value][,var2=value2[, ...]]> --export=<var[=value][,var2=value2[,...]]>


  • Default initial job working directory is $HOME for Moab. For Slurm the default working directory is where you submit your job from.
  • By default Moab does not export any environment variables to the job's runtime environment. With Slurm most of the login environment variables are exported to your job's runtime environment. This includes environment variables from software modules that were loaded at job submission time (and also $HOSTNAME variable).

Commonly used Moab/Torque script environment variables and their Slurm equivalents

Information Moab Torque Slurm
Requested tasks per node - $PBS_NUM_PPN $SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE
Requested CPUs per task --- --- $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK


  • See sbatch man page for a complete list of flags and environment variables.

How to view information about submitted jobs?

Use squeue command, e.g.:

$ squeue                  # all users (admins only)
$ squeue -u <username>    # jobs of specific user
$ squeue -t PENDING       # pending jobs only

Note: The output format of squeue (and most other Slurm commands) is highly configurable to your needs. Look for the --format or --Format options.

How to cancel jobs?

Use scancel command, e.g.

$ scancel <jobid>         # cancel specific job
$ scancel <jobid>_<index> # cancel indexed job in a job array
$ scancel -u <username>   # cancel all jobs of specific user
$ scancel -t PENDING      # cancel pending jobs

How to submit a serial batch job?

Sample job script template for serial job:

# Allocate one node
#SBATCH --nodes=1
# Number of program instances to be executed
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1
# 8 GB memory required per node
#SBATCH --mem=8G
# Maximum run time of job
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
# Give job a reasonable name
#SBATCH --job-name=serial_job
# File name for standard output (%j will be replaced by job id)
#SBATCH --output=serial_job-%j.out
# File name for error output
#SBATCH --error=serial_job-%j.err

# Load software modules as needed, e.g.
# module load foo/bar

# Run serial program


  • --nodes=1 and --tasks-per-node=1 may be replaced by --ntasks=1.
  • If not specified, stdout and stderr are both written to slurm-%j.out.

How to emulate Moab output file names?

Use the following directives:

#SBATCH --output="%x.o%j"
#SBATCH --error="%x.e%j"

How to pass command line arguments to the job script?


sbatch <job-script> arg1 arg2 ...

Inside the job script the arguments can be accessed as $1, $2, ...


./my_serial_program < "$infile" > "$outfile" 2>&1


  • Do not use $1, $2, ... in "#SBATCH" lines. These parameters can be used only within the regular shell script.

How to request local scratch (SSD/NVMe) at job submission?

Use --gres=scratch:nnn option to allocate nnn GB of local (i.e. node-local) scratch space for the entire job.

Example: --gres=scratch:100 will allocate 100GB scratch space.


  • Do not add any unit (such as --gres=scratch:100G). This will would be treated as requesting an amount of 10^9 * 100GB of scratch space.
  • Multinode jobs get nnn GB of local scratch space on every node of the job.
  • Environment variable $SCRATCH will point to
    • /scratch/<user>.<jobid> when local scratch has been requested
    • /tmp/<user>.<jobid> when no local scratch has not been requested
  • Environment variable $TMPDIR always points point to /tmp/<user>.<jobid>
  • For backward compatibility environment variable $RAMDISK always points to /tmp/<user>.<jobid>
  • Scratch space allocation in /scratch will be enforced by quota limits
  • Data written to $TMPDIR will always count against allocated memory.