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(→‎Parallel Debugger ddt: moved to article DDT)
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The execution can take longer but now we know that the problem is most likely in line 17 (which is correct).
The execution can take longer but now we know that the problem is most likely in line 17 (which is correct).

= Parallel Debugger ddt =

{| style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; background:#f5fffa;border:1px solid #e7aa01;"
| style="padding:2px;" | <div style="margin:3px; background:#cef2e0; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #e7aa01; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Currently only for employees of KIT</div>
| style="color:#000;" | <div style="padding:2px 5px">On bwUniCluster the GUI based distributed debugging tool (ddt) may be used to debug serial as
well as parallel applications. For serial applications also the GNU gdb or Intel idb debugger
may be used. The Intel idb comes with the compiler and information on this tool is available
together with the compiler documentation. In order to debug your program it must be
compiled and linked using the -g compiler option. This will force the compiler to add additional information to the object code which is used by the debugger at runtime.

ddt consists of a graphical frontend and a backend serial debugger which controls the
application program. One instance of the serial debugger controls one MPI process. Via the
frontend the user interacts with the debugger to select the program that will be debugged,
to specify different options and to monitor the execution of the program. Debugging
commands may be sent to one, all or a subset of the MPI processes.

Before the parallel debugger ddt can be used, it is necessary to load the corresponding
module file:
$ module use /opt/bwhpc/ka/modulefiles (only available for employees of KIT)
$ module add debugger/ddt

Now ddt may be started with the command
$ ddt program

where program is the name of your program that you want to debug.


Figure: DDT startup window

The above figure shows ddt’s startup window. Before actually starting the debugging session
you should check the contents of several fields in this window:

1. The top line shows the executable file that will be run under control of the debugger. In
the following lines you may input some options that are passed to your program or to the
MPI environment.

2. If your program reads data from stdin you can specify an input file in the startup window.

3. Before starting an MPI program you should check that "Open MPI (Compatability)" or
"Intel MPI" is the MPI implementation that has been selected. If this is not the case, you
have to change this. Otherwise ddt may not be able to run your program. In order to debug
serial programs, the selected MPI implementation should be "none". You may also change
the underlying serial debugger using the "change" button. By default ddt uses its own serial debugger, but it may also use the Intel idb debugger.

4. Select the number of MPI processes that will be started by ddt. If you are using ddt within
a batch job, replace mpirun by ddt in the command line of ????? and make sure that the
chosen number of MPI processes is identical to the number of MPI tasks (-p option ???) that
you selected with the ?????? command. When you debug a serial program, select 1.

5. After you have checked all inputs in the ddt startup window, you can start the debugging
session by pressing the "run" button.

The ddt window now shows the source code of the program that is being debugged and breakpoints can be set by just pointing to the corresponding line and pressing the right
mouse button. So you may step through your program, display the values of variables
and arrays and look at the message queues.


Revision as of 16:02, 2 April 2014

Navigation: bwHPC BPR
GDB: The GNU Project Debugger
module load devel/gdb
License GPL
Links Homepage; Documentation; Wiki; Mailinglists
Graphical Interface No
Included in module


The GNU Debugger (GDB) is a standard debugger for serial programs although it can be used for parallel and even distributed programs with few processes too. The Intel Debugger (IDB) uses the same commands for basic debugging as GDB and hence can be used instead of GDB just by substituting idbc for gdb.


It is possible to choose between several versions of GDB and GCC. By default both programms are installed. You can check the version which is currently used with:

$ gdb --version
$ gcc --version

If you want to use another version of GCC or GDB, you have to load it through the module system. For example you need GDB 7.7 or higher for GCC version 4.8 and above. In this case load the devel/gdb module.

How to check which versions are available:

$ module avail

How to load the desired version (e.g. GDB version 7.7):

$ module load devel/gdb/7.7

If you want to use IDB load the Intel compiler module:

$ module load compiler/intel


For online documentation see the links section in the summary table at the top of this page. For local documentation consult the man page.

$ man gdb


$ man idb

Basic commands

The code you want to debug should be compiled with the -g option. If the optimization flag is just not set, the GCC will still do some basic optimization. So it is recommended to turn off the optmization explicitly with the -O0 parameter. To start a debug session for a program execute GDB with the program path as parameter:

$ gdb ./example

Inside GDB is a prompt where you can enter commands. Important commands are listed below.

Command Description
help cmd Show help for command cmd.
break func Set a breakpoint at function func.
run Start program.
next Go to next program line. Do not enter functions.
step Go to next program line. Enter functions.
list Show the surrounding source code of the currently processed line.
print expr Print the value of the expression expr.
display expr Display the value of the expression expr every time the program stops.
watch expr Stop when value of the expression expr changes.
continue Continue execution until a breakpoint or a watchpoint appears.
backtrace Print a list of functions that are currently active.
quit Exit GDB.

Example: We debug the following program called bug.c which crashes on execution.

#include <stdio.h>

int global = 0;

void begin() {
    global = 1;

void loop() {
    int v[2];
    int i, k;

    for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        k = i/2*2;	/* should have been k = i/(2*2); */
        v[k] = i;

void end() {
    global = 2;

int main() {

    return 0;

Sample GDB session:

$ gcc -g bug.c -o bug
$ gdb ./bug
GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux (7.2-60.el6_4.1)
Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu".
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Reading symbols from /pfs/data2/home/xx/xxx/xxxx/bug...done.
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4005b2: file bug.c, line 26.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /pfs/data2/home/xx/xxx/xxxx/bug

Breakpoint 1, main () at bug.c:26
26              begin();
Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install glibc-2.12-1.132.el6.x86_64 libgcc-4.4.7-4.el6.x86_64
(gdb) next
27              loop();
(gdb) next

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000000005 in ?? ()
(gdb) # now we know that the bug is in loop(). start again.
(gdb) run
The program being debugged has been started already.
Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y
Starting program: /pfs/data2/home/xx/xxx/xxxx/bug

Breakpoint 1, main () at bug.c:26
26              begin();
(gdb) next
27              loop();
(gdb) step
loop () at bug.c:13
13              for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
(gdb) next
15                      k = i/2*2;
(gdb) next
16                      v[k] = i;
(gdb) # maybe k gets too big?
(gdb) watch (k >= 2)
Hardware watchpoint 2: (k >= 2)
(gdb) continue
Hardware watchpoint 2: (k >= 2)

Old value = 0
New value = 1
loop () at bug.c:16
16                      v[k] = i;
(gdb) # k is too big
(gdb) print k
$1 = 2
(gdb) print i
$2 = 2
(gdb) quit

Core dumps

When the program crashes, a log file (called core dump) can be created which contains the state of the program when it crashed. This is turned off by default because these core dumps can get quite large. If you want to turn it on you have to change your ulimits, for example:

$ ulimit -c unlimited

Every time your program crashes a new file called (where xxx is a number) will be created in the directory from which you started the executable. You can call gdb to examine your core dump using the following command (assuming your program is called ex):

$ gdb ./ex

Now you can print a backtrace to check in which function the error happened and what values the parameters had. Additionally you can examine the values of your variables to reproduce the error.

Multithreaded debugging

GDB can also be useful for multithreaded applications for example when OpenMP was used. By going through each thread separately you can better see what is really going on and you can check the computation step by step. The following commands are useful for multithreaded debugging:

Command Description
info threads Shows the status of all existing threads.
thread num Switches to the thread with the number num


Valgrind can be used for debugging and profiling programs. It ships with various tools, some of them are described in the following table.

Tool Description
memcheck Detects heap array overruns, memory leaks and incorrect freeing of heap memory.
exp-sgcheck Detects stack and global array overruns.
callgrind Profiler. Helps finding bottlenecks.
helgrind Detects race conditions and deadlocks.
drd Detects race conditions. Does not detect deadlocks but needs less memory than helgrind.

Loading: There is no need for loading valgrind because it is available by default.

Online documentation:

Local documentation:

man valgrind

Usage: To simulate your program and gather information about it using a specific tool, valgrind can be called like this

$ valgrind --tool=<tool> --log-file=<logfile> ./example

For example to check for race conditions the command would look like this:

$ valgrind --tool=drd --log-file=log.mem ./example

Beware that the simulation via valgrind can take much longer and can consume much more memory compared to a normal execution. Furthermore the tools can give false positives, i.e. they report errors even though the are none.

Example for helgrind and drd:

This small program demonstrates how to detect data races in parallel programs. Both helgrind and drd support POSIX Threads (Pthreads) but not OpenMP so prepare to get many false positives when using these tools with OpenMP.

/* pthreads.c */
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>

#define NUM_THREADS 2

int v = 0;

void* f(void* x)
    int j = 0;
    int k = *(int*)x;
    for(j = 0; j < 100; j++)
        v += sin(j) + 1 + k;

    return NULL;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS];
    int idx[NUM_THREADS];
    int t;
    for(t=0; t<NUM_THREADS; t++) {
        idx[t] = t;
        pthread_create(&threads[t], NULL, f, (void*)&idx[t]);
    for(t=0; t<NUM_THREADS; t++)
        pthread_join(threads[t], NULL);

    printf("%i\n", v);


    return 0;

The program can be compiled with

$ gcc -Wall pthreads.c -o pthreads -pthread -lm -O2

where -pthread tells the compiler to link against the Pthreads library and -lm is needed for linking against the math library. This program has a race condition, consecutive executions can give different outputs. Such errors are hard to find because they can show up very rarely. Helgrind can tell you the problematic part of your code:

$ valgrind --tool=helgrind ./pthreads
==29237== ----------------------------------------------------------------
==29237== Possible data race during read of size 4 at 0x600C78 by thread #3
==29237== Locks held: none
==29237==    at 0x4007BC: f(void*) (in /pfs/data2/home/xx/xxxx/xxxx/pthreads)
==29237==    by 0x4A0C0D4: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:219)
==29237==    by 0x3EDA6079D0: start_thread (in /lib64/
==29237==    by 0x3ED9AE8B6C: clone (in /lib64/
==29237== This conflicts with a previous write of size 4 by thread #2
==29237== Locks held: none
==29237==    at 0x4007FB: f(void*) (in /pfs/data2/home/xx/xxxx/xxxx/pthreads)
==29237==    by 0x4A0C0D4: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:219)
==29237==    by 0x3EDA6079D0: start_thread (in /lib64/
==29237==    by 0x3ED9AE8B6C: clone (in /lib64/
==29237== ----------------------------------------------------------------

Now we know that we have to check the function f for a possible data race. A similar output can be achieved using drd with the following command:

$ valgrind --tool=drd ./pthreads

Valgrind can give even better hints when compiled with debug information (helgrind produces similar output):

$ gcc -g -Wall pthreads.c -o pthreads -pthread -lm
$ valgrind --tool=drd ./pthreads
==604== Thread 3:
==604== Conflicting load by thread 3 at 0x00600cc0 size 4
==604==    at 0x400749: f(void*) (pthreads.c:17)
==604==    by 0x4A128B4: vgDrd_thread_wrapper (drd_pthread_intercepts.c:355)
==604==    by 0x3EDA6079D0: start_thread (in /lib64/
==604==    by 0x3ED9AE8B6C: clone (in /lib64/
==604== Allocation context: BSS section of fs/data2/home/xx/xxxx/xxxx/pthreads
==604== Other segment start (thread 2)
==604==    (thread finished, call stack no longer available)
==604== Other segment end (thread 2)
==604==    (thread finished, call stack no longer available)

The execution can take longer but now we know that the problem is most likely in line 17 (which is correct).