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Revision as of 13:49, 4 March 2025 by H Schumacher (talk | contribs) (Added instructions to change R version)
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RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for programming with R. It can handle Python code, too.

Change R Version

By default, the default R version on Helix is used. You can view the current default version by executing module -t -d avail 2>&1 | grep math/R on Helix.

Change the R version to one of the available versions on Helix

  1. Open or create the file .bashrc in your home directory, either by opening a shell on Helix or by starting the RStudio app on bwVisu and opening the file there.
  2. Add the following line to your .bashrc file:
    export R_MODULE_VERSION=<available R version on Helix>
    for example export R_MODULE_VERSION=4.2.1.
  3. (Re)start RStudio

Change the R version to a version unavailable on Helix

  1. Open a shell on Helix by sshing into Helix or by starting the RStudio app on bwVisu and switching to the terminal tab.
  2. Download your desired R version, unpack it and change into the unpacked directory:
    tar -xf R-x.y.z.tar.gz
    cd R-x.y.z.tar.gz
    where x.y.z denotes the version of your downloaded R installation files.
  3. Patch the configuration file to make it compatible with your shell environment on Helix:
    sed '/date-time conversions do not work in 2020/s/^/: #/' -i configure
  4. Install R into a chosen location in your home directory:
    ./configure prefix=$HOME/path/in/your/home/directory
    module load devel/java
    make install
  5. Make your installed R version the default by exporting the location of its binary to your PATH: Open or create the file .bashrc in your home directory and add the following line:
    export "PATH=/path/to/your/R/installation/directory/bin:$PATH"
    Please make sure that the suffix /bin is added to the path to the installation location of your custom R version. This is the default location where the binaries of R will be usually installed.
  6. Test the installation: Reload your bash environment and obtain the version of the R binary in your path:
    source $HOME/.bashrc && R --version
    If the displayed version number is equal to the one of your custom R installation, then the installation was successfull and your custom R version will be automatically loaded in RStudio.
  7. (Re)start RStudio

Add R packages

  • Add a new package to RStudio
    1. Login to bwForCluster Helix or start the RStudio app on bwVisu and switch to the Terminal tab.
    2. Follow the instructions from the R page
  • To create dashboards, you can use RShiny with bwVisu RStudio as well.