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The cluster storage system provides a large parallel file system based on IBM Spectrum Scale for $HOME, for workspaces and for temporary storage via the $TMPDIR environment variable

$HOME Workspaces $TMPDIR
Visibility global global global
Lifetime permanent workspace lifetime batch job walltime
Capacity xxx PB xxx PB xxx PB
Quotas 200 GB 10 TB none
Backup no no no
  • global: all nodes access the same file system.
  • permanent: files are stored permanently.
  • workspace lifetime: files are removed at end of workspace lifetime.
  • batch job walltime: files are removed at end of the batch job.


Home directories are meant for permanent storage of files that are kept being used like source codes, configuration files, executable programs. There is currently no backup for the home directory. The disk space per user is limited to 200 GB. The used disk space is displayed with the command:




Access to SDS@hd