JUSTUS2/Software/Quantum ESPRESSO

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The main documentation is available via module help chem/quantum_espresso on the cluster. Most software modules for applications provide working example batch scripts.

Description Content
module load chem/quantum_espresso/7.1
Availability BwForCluster JUSTUS2
License Open-source software, distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). More...
Citing As described here
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Graphical Interface No


Quantum ESPRESSO is an integrated suite of Open-Source computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. It is based on density-functional theory, plane waves, and pseudopotentials.


Quantum ESPRESSO is available on selected bwHPC-Clusters. A complete list of versions currently installed on the bwHPC-Clusters can be obtained from the Cluster Information System (CIS).

In order to check which versions of Quantum ESPRESSO are installed on the compute cluster, run the following command:

$ module avail chem/quantum_espresso


Quantum ESPRESSO is free, open-source software released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Anyone interested in using the Quantum ESPRESSO program suite must read the conditions described in its manifesto.


Loading the module

The most preferable way to load Quantum Espresso (QE) is with the specific version included, i.e., 'module load chem/quantum_espresso/<version>'.

$ module load chem/quantum_espresso/7.1

The default version, which may change over time, can be loaded simply with the command 'module load chem/quantum_espresso'. The module includes the loading of all additional modules necessary for the proper functioning of the program, so there's no need to load additional modules separately. However, loading additional modules may be counterproductive.

Program Binaries

All binaries of the Quantum ESPRESSO software package are located in the directory $ESPRESSO_BIN_DIR.

Hints for using Quantum ESPRESSO

Input Files

For information about how to construct input files for Quantum ESPRESSO, please consult the documentation.

Disk Usage

Please change to a local directory or to your local workspace (preferred) before starting your calculations.


As with all processes that require more than a few minutes to run, non-trivial compute jobs must be submitted to the cluster queuing system.

Example scripts are available in the directory $ESPRESSO_EXA_DIR:

$ module show chem/quantum_espresso         # show environment variables, which will be available after 'module load'
$ module load chem/quantum_espresso         # load module
$ ls $ESPRESSO_EXA_DIR                      # show content of directory $ESPRESSO_EXA_DIR

Run a first simple example job on JUSTUS 2:

$ module load chem/quantum_espresso                     # load module
$ WORKSPACE=`ws_allocate quantum_espresso 3`            # allocate workspace
$ cd $WORKSPACE                                         # change to workspace
$ cp -a $ESPRESSO_HOME/bwhpc-examples .                 # copy example files to workspace
$ cd bwhpc-examples                                     # change to test directory
$ sbatch bwforcluster-quantum_espresso-example.sbatch   # submit job
$ squeue                                                # obtain JOBID
$ scontrol show job <JOBID>                             # check state of job
$ ls                                                    # when job finishes the results will be visible in this directory

Useful links