JUSTUS2/Getting Started

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General Workflow of Running a Calculation

On a compute cluster, you do not simply run log in and your software, but you write a "job script" that contains all commands to run and process your job and send this into a waiting queue to be run on one of several hundred computers.

How this is done is described in a little more detail here: Running Calculations

Get Access to the Cluster

Follow the registration process for the bwForCluster. → How to Register for a bwForCluster

Login to the Cluster

Setup service password and 2FA token and login to the cluster. → Login JUSTUS2

Using the Linux Commandline

HPC Wiki (external site) → Introduction to Linux Commandline

Training course → Linux course on training.bwhpc.de

Transfer your Data to the Cluster

Get familiar with available file systems on the cluster. → File Systems

Transfer your data to the cluster using appropriate tools. → Data Transfer

Find Information About Installed Software and Examples

Compiler, Libraries and application software are provided as software modules. Learn how to work with software modules. → Software

Run sample script from a pre-installed software (Software job examples in the page above)

Submit and Run your Software as a Batch Job

Get familiar with available nodes types on the cluster. → Hardware and Architecture

Submit and monitor your jobs with Slurm commands.

Acknowledge the Cluster

Remember to mention the cluster in your publications. → Acknowledgement