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The main documentation is available via module help math/julia on the cluster. Most software modules for applications provide working example batch scripts.

Description Content
module load math/julia
Availability bwUniCluster | JUSTUS2
License MIT License
Citing [1]
Links Project homepage | Documentationn]
Graphical Interface No


Julia is a high-level, high-performance, dynamic programming language, being designed with scientific computing in mind. Parallel programming features, such as multi-threading are included in the core language, while there also exit packages leveraging the power of MPI and CUDA.

Interactive Example

Load Julia module and start interactive REPL session with 8 threads, using the environment in the current directory:

module load math/julia julia -t 8 --project=.

Enter ']' to go into package manager and install package `UnicodePlots`. add UnicodePlots

Leave the package manager with the backspace key.

Create an vector with 64 elements set to 0 and fill it using all threads with the corresponding tread id number. vec = zeros(64) Threads.@threads for i in eachindex(vec)

   vec[i]= Threads.threadid()


Load the `UnicodePlots` package and draw a scatter plot of the contents of `vec` using UnicodePlots scatterplot(vec)

Further documentation

  • Julia Workshop at HLRS: The material of this workshop is in large parts also valid for the Justus cluster (on Justus you only need the module math/julia).

Tips & Tricks