BWUniCluster User Access Members Uni Ulm

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Access to bwUniCluster/bwForCluster for members of Ulm University

Login prerequisites

  • A valid kiz account is required for access to bwUniCluster and bwForCluster.
  • As part of the login procedure, you will be directed to a registration page. There you find the item "User Properties" under which your data that will be transferred from Ulm University to the cluster is shown including your entitlements. Make sure that you have the following entitlement:
    If not, please contact the Uni Ulm Helpdesk to receive the entitlement.

kiz Account

Enrolled students, faculty and staff members of Ulm University usually have a kiz account granting access to kiz compute resources such as the bwUniCluster. In case you don't have such an account please visit the related kiz web pages:

Terms of Use

As with any other kiz service, users of bwUniCluster must strictly adhere to the kiz terms of use.