BwUniCluster2.0/Batch System Migration Guide

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Serial Programs

  • Use the time option -t or --time (instead of -l walltime). If only one number is entered behind -t, the default unit is minutes.
  • Use the option -n 1 or --ntasks=1 (instead of -l nodes=1,ppn=1).
  • Use the option -m or --mem (instead of -l pmem). The default unit is MegaByte.
  • If you want to use one node exclusively, you must enter the whole memory (-m 96327 or --mem=96327).

Example for a serial job

$ sbatch -p single -t 60 -n 1 -m 96327 ./ 

The script (containing the execution of a serial program) is started running 60 minutes exclusively on a batch node.

Multithreaded Programs

  • Use the time option -t or --time (instead of -l walltime). If only one number is entered behind -t, the default unit is minutes.
  • Use the option -N 1 or --nodes=1 and c x or --cpus-per-task=x (instead of -l nodes=1,ppn=x ). x can be a number between 1 and 40 (because of 40 cores within one node); it can also be a number between 41 and 80 (because of active hyperthreading).
  • Use the option -m or --mem (instead of -l pmem). The default unit is MegaByte.
  • If you want to use one node exclusively, you must enter the whole memory (-m 96327 or --mem=96327).

Example for a multithreaded job

$ sbatch -p single -t 1:00:00 -N 1 -c 40 -m 50gb --export=ALL,OMP_NUM_THREADS=40 ./ 

The script (containing a multithreaded program) is started running 1 hour in shared mode on all cores requesting 50GB on one batch node.