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module load cae/ansys
Availability bwUniCluster
License academic
Links Homepage
Graphical Interface Yes

1 Description

ANSYS is a general purpose software to simulate interactions of all disciplines of physics, structural, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, electromagnetic etc. For more information about ANSYS products please visit

2 Versions and Availability

A current list of the versions available on the bwUniCluster and bwForclusters can be obtained from the Cluster Information System: CIS Information on ANSYS

On the command line interface (CLI) of a particular bwHPC cluster a list of all available ANSYS versions can be inquired as followed

$ module avail cae/ansys

3 Usage

3.1 Loading the Module

You can load the default version of ANSYS with the command:

$ module load cae/ansys

If you wish to load a specific (older) version of "ANSYS" you can do so by executing e.g.:

$ module load cae/ansys/15.0

to load the version 15.0

3.2 Start commands

To start an ANSYS session enter

$ ansys150

To launch an ANSYS FLUENT session enter

$ fluent

The following command is to run the ANSYS Workbench

$ runwb2

Online documention is available from the help menu or by using the command

$ anshelp150

As with all processes that require more than a few minutes to run, non-trivial ANSYS solver jobs must be submitted to the cluster queueing system.

4 Examples

4.1 ANSYS Fluent batch jobs

The following script "" could be submitted to the queueing system to run an ANSYS Fluent job in parallel using 4 cores on a single node:

#MSUB -l nodes=1:ppn=4
#MSUB -l walltime=0:10:00
#MSUB -l mem=16000mb

## setup environment
export MPI_USESRUN=1

## generate hosts list
export run_nodes=`srun hostname`
echo $run_nodes | sed "s/ /\n/g" > fluent.hosts
echo "" >> fluent.hosts

## load ansys module
module load cae/ansys

## start fluent job
time fluent 3d -g -t4 -pib -cnf=fluent.hosts -i test.inp

To submit the example script to the queueing system execute the following:

$ msub

4.2 ANSYS CFX batch jobs

With the script "" you can submit a CFX job to the queueing system to run in parallel using 8 cores on two node with the start-method 'Platform MPI Parallel':

#MSUB -l nodes=2:ppn=4
#MSUB -l walltime=0:10:00
#MSUB -l mem=32000mb

## setup environment
export MPI_USESRUN=1

## load ansys module
module load cae/ansys

## start job
cfx5solve -def  test.def -part 8 -start-method 'Platform MPI Parallel'

To submit the example script to the queueing system execute:

$ msub