BinAC/Quickstart Guide

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1 Basics

Use the work file system and not your home directory for your calculations. Create a working directory using your username.

cd /beegfs/work/
mkdir <username>
cd <username>

Do not use the login nodes to carry out any calculations or heavy load file transfers.

2 Check the Queue

To check all running and queued jobs.


Just your own jobs.

qstat -u <username>

3 Simple Interactive Job

To start a 1 core job on a compute node providing a remote shell.

qsub -q short -l nodes=1:ppn=1 -I

The same but requesting the whole node.

qsub -q short -l nodes=1:ppn=28 -I

Standard Unix commands are directly available, for everything else use the modules.

module avail

Just an example

module load chem/gromacs/4.6.7-gnu-4.9

Be aware that we allow node sharing. Do not disturb the calculations of other users.