BwUniCluster2.0/Batch System Migration Guide

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Serial Programs

  • Use the time option -t or --time (instead of -l walltime). If only one number is entered behind -t, the default unit is minutes.
  • Use the option -n 1 or --ntasks=1 (instead of -l nodes=1,ppn=1).
  • Use the option -m or --mem (instead of -l pmem). The default unit is MegaByte.
  • If you want to use one node exclusively, you must enter the whole memory (-m 96327 or --mem=96327).

Example for a serial job

$ sbatch -p single -t 60 -n 1 -m 96327 ./ 

The script (containing the execution of a serial program) is started running 60 minutes exclusively on a batch node.

Multithreaded Programs

  • Use the time option -t or --time (instead of -l walltime). If only one number is entered behind -t, the default unit is minutes.
  • Use the option -N 1 or --nodes=1 and c x or --cpus-per-task=x (instead of -l nodes=1,ppn=x ). x can be a number between 1 and 40 (because of 40 cores within one node); it can also be a number between 41 and 80 (because of active hyperthreading).
  • Use the option -m or --mem (instead of -l pmem). The default unit is MegaByte.
  • Use the option --export to set the needed environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS for the batch job. Adding ALL means to pass all interactively set environment variables to the batch job.
  • If you want to use one node exclusively, you must either enter the whole memory (-m 96327 or --mem=96327) or set the number of threads greater than 39.

Example for a multithreaded job

$ sbatch -p single -t 1:00:00 -N 1 -c 20 -m 50gb --export=ALL,OMP_NUM_THREADS=20 ./ 

The script (containing a multithreaded program) is started running 1 hour in shared mode on 20 cores requesting 50GB on one batch node.

MPI Programs within one node

  • Use the time option -t or --time (instead of -l walltime). If only one number is entered behind -t, the default unit is minutes.
  • Use the option -n x or --ntasks=x (instead of -l nodes=1,ppn=x ). x can be a number between 1 and 40 (because of 40 cores within one node); you should'nt utilize hyperthreading.
  • Use the option -m or --mem (instead of -l pmem). The default unit is MegaByte.
  • If you want to use one node exclusively, you must either enter the whole memory (-m 96327 or --mem=96327) or set the number of MPI tasks greater than 39.
  • Don't forget to load the appropriate MPI-module in your job script.

Example for a MPI job

$ sbatch -p single -t 600 -n 10 -m 40000 ./ 

The script (containing a MPI program after loading the appropriate MPI module) is started running 10 hours in shared mode on 10 cores requesting 40000 MB on one batch node.

MPI Programs on many nodes

  • Use the time option -t or --time (instead of -l walltime). If only one number is entered behind -t, the default unit is minutes.
  • Use the option -N y or --nodes=y and --ntasks-per-node=x (instead of -l nodes=y,ppn=x). x can be a number between 1 and 40 (28 for Broadwell nodes) (because of 40 (28) cores within one node); you should'nt utilize hyperthreading.
  • You should'nt use the option -m or --mem (instead of -l pmem) because the nodes are used exclusively.
  • You always use the nodes exclusively.
  • Don't forget to load the appropriate MPI-module in your job script.

Example for a MPI job

$ sbatch -p multiple -t 48:00:00 -N 10 --ntasks-per-node=40  ./ 

The script (containing a MPI program after loading the appropriate MPI module) is started running 2 days on 400 cores on ten batch nodes.