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The main documentation is available via module help chem/orca on the cluster. Most software modules for applications provide working example batch scripts.

Description Content
module load chem/orca/5.0.4
Availability bwUniCluster | JUSTUS2
License EULA
Citing As described in the manual. Refer to Chapter 'Publications Related to ORCA' for guidance on citation.
Links Main ORCA Forum Portal | Documentation
Graphical Interface No

1 Description

ORCA is a comprehensive, fully parallelized quantum chemistry package designed for advanced electronic structure methods. It encompasses density functional theory, many-body perturbation theory, coupled cluster methods, multireference methods, and semi-empirical quantum chemistry approaches. ORCA is capable of computing a wide range of molecular properties and serves as a fully integrated system for multi-level calculations, including QM/MM, ONIOM, and embedded crystals.

Additionally, ORCA offers several advanced features to improve computational efficiency and accuracy. These include local correlation methods, starting with PNOs and expanded to DLPNO to reduce the computational cost of coupled cluster calculations. It also incorporates RIJCOSX for efficient handling of Hartree-Fock based methods.

Furthermore, ORCA provides NEB-TS for studying reaction pathways and offers various methods for accurately calculating excited states, such as TD-DFT, EOM-CCSD, STEOM-CCSD, CASSCF with NEVPT2 or CASPT2, as well as molecular dynamics and multi-scale QM-MM models.

Please refer to documentation provided by the ORCA developers in the first place for more detailed information.

Orca Manual 5.0.4 Article Overview by Frank Nesse Article about main improvement in the version 5.0

2 Versions and Availability

On the command line interface of any bwHPC cluster you'll get a list of available versions by using the command
'module avail chem/orca'.

$ module avail chem/orca               # JUSTUS 2
------------------------------ ----------------/opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles/Core --------------------------------------------------------
   chem/orca/4.2.1-xtb-6.3.3    chem/orca/5.0.1-xtb-6.4.1    chem/orca/5.0.2              chem/orca/5.0.3              chem/orca/5.0.4 (D)
   chem/orca/4.2.1              chem/orca/5.0.1              chem/orca/5.0.3-xtb-6.5.1    chem/orca/5.0.4_xtb-6.6.0

3 Usage

3.1 Loading the module

The most preferable way to load ORCA is with the specific version included, i.e., 'module load chem/orca/<version>'.

$ module load chem/orca/5.0.4

The default version, which may change over time, can be loaded simply with the command 'module load chem/orca'. The module includes the loading of all additional modules necessary for the proper functioning of the program, so there's no need to load additional modules separately. However, loading additional modules may be counterproductive.

3.2 Program Binaries

You can find the ORCA binaries in the main folder of the ORCA system.
After loading the ORCA module (module load chem/orca/'version') this path is also set to the local $PATH- and $ORCA_BIN_DIR environments.

$ ls -x $ORCA_BIN_DIR
bwhpc-examples    manual           modulefiles   orca           orca_2aim         orca_2mkl
orca_anoint       orca_anoint_mpi  orca_asa      orca_casscf    orca_casscf_mpi   orca_chelpg
orca_ciprep       orca_cis         orca_cis_mpi  orca_cleanup   orca_cleanup_mpi  orca_cpcasscf
orca_cpscf        orca_cpscf_mpi   orca_eca      orca_ecplib    orca_eprnmr       orca_eprnmr_mpi
orca_euler        orca_fci         orca_fitpes   orca_gstep     orca_gtoint       orca_gtoint_mpi
orca_loc          orca_mapspc      orca_md       orca_mdci      orca_mdci_mpi     orca_mergefrag
orca_mp2          orca_mp2_mpi     orca_mrci     orca_mrci_mpi  orca_ndoint       orca_numfreq
orca_pc           orca_pc_mpi      orca_plot     orca_pltvib    orca_pop          orca_rel
orca_rocis        orca_rocis_mpi   orca_scf      orca_scfgrad   orca_scfgrad_mpi  orca_scfhess
orca_scfhess_mpi  orca_scf_mpi     orca_soc      orca_soc_mpi   orca_vib          orca_vpot
otool_cosmo       otool_gcp        otool_smd

Only the programs with the suffix _mpi are compiled including OPENMPI functionality.

3.3 Disk Usage

Scratch files are written to the current directory by default.
Please change to a local directory or to your local workspace (preferred) before starting your calculations.

'calc_repo' is an example name of a repository you created by using the command 'ws_allocate'.

$ cd $(ws_find calc_repo)
['your-id'-calc_repo-0]$ pwd

3.4 Examples

You can copy a simple interactive example to your workspace and run it, using 'msub'

$ cd $(ws_find calc_repo)
$ cp $ORCA_EXA_DIR/bwhpc-orca-example.moab .
$ cp bwhpc-orca-example.moab myorcajob.moab 
§ vi myorcajob.moab         # do your own modifications
$ msub myorcajob.moab       # start job submission

4 ORCA-Specific Environments

To see a list of all ORCA environments set by the 'module load chem/orca/version'-command, use 'env | grep ORCA'
Or try the command 'module show 'chem/orca/version'.

$ module load chem/orca/3.0.3
$ env | grep ORCA

5 Version-Specific Information

For a more detailed information specific to a specific ORCA version, see the information available via the module system with the command 'module help chem/orca'.
For a small abstract what ORCA is about use the command 'module whatis chem/orca'.


$ module avail chem/orca
----------------------- /opt/bwhpc/common/modulefiles ---------------------------
chem/orca/3.0.1 chem/orca/3.0.3

$ module whatis chem/orca/3.0.1
chem/orca/3.0.1      : Quantum chemistry package ORCA, version 3.0.1
    (command '/opt/bwhpc/common/chem/orca/3.0.1/orca')

$ module help chem/orca/3.0.1
----------- Module Specific Help for 'chem/orca/3.0.1' ------------
This module provides the quantum chemistry package ORCA version 3.0.1
via command '/opt/bwhpc/common/chem/orca/3.0.1/orca' 
*  Max-Planck-Institut fuer Chemische Energiekonversion  
*  New features for version 3.0.1
*  Manuals in pdf format:
*  Example data and a Moab example script can be found here: