BinAC2/Getting Started

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Purpose and Goals

The Getting Started guide is designed for users who are new to HPC systems in general and to BinAC 2 specifically. After reading this guide, you should have a basic understanding of how to use BinAC 2 for your research.

Please note that this guide does not cover basic Linux command-line skills. If you're unfamiliar with commands such as listing directory contents or using a text editor, we recommend first exploring the Linux module on the [training platform].

This guide also doesn't cover every feature of the system but aims to provide a broad overview. For more detailed information about specific features, please refer to the dedicated Wiki pages on topics like the batch system, storage, and more.

Some terms in this guide may be unfamiliar. You can look them up in the HPC Glossary.

General Workflow of Running a Calculation

On an HPC Cluster, you do not simply log in and run your software. Instead, you write a Batch Script that contains all the commands needed to run and process your job, then submit it to a waiting queue to be executed on one of several hundred Compute Nodes.

Get Access to the Cluster

Follow the registration process for the bwForCluster. → How to Register for a bwForCluster

Login to the Cluster

Set up your service password and 2FA token, then log in to BinAC 2. → Login BinAC

Using the Linux command line

It is expected that you have at least basic Linux and command-line knowledge before using bwForCluster BinAC 2. There are numerous resources available online for learning fundamental concepts and commands. Here are two:

Also see: .bashrc Do's and Don'ts

File System Basics

BinAC 2 offers several file systems for your data, each serving different needs. These are explained here in a short and simple form. For more detailed documentation, visit: here.

Home File System

Home directories are intended for the permanent storage of frequently used files, such as like source codes, configuration files, executable programs, conda environments, etc. The home file system is backed up daily and has a quota. If that quota is reached, you may experience issues when working with BinAC 2.

Here are some useful command line and bash tips for accessing the Home File system.

# For changing to your home directory, simply run:

# To access files in your home directory within your job script, you can use one of these:
~/myFile   # or

Project File System

BinAC 2 has a project file system intended for data that:

  • is shared between members of a compute project
  • is not actively used for computations in near future

The project file system is available at /pfs/10/project/:

$ ll /pfs/10/project/
total 333
drwxrwx---.  3 root       bw16f003 33280 Dec 19 17:16 bw16f003
drwxrwx---.  3 root       bw16g002 25600 Dec 17 15:23 bw16g002

As shown by the file permissions the project directories are only accessible to users belonging to the specific compute project.

Work File System

BinAC 2 has a work file system on SSDs intended for data that is actively used and produced by compute jobs. Each user creates workspaces on their own via the workspace tools.

The project file system is available at /pfs/10/work

$ ll /pfs/10/work/
total 1822
drwxr-xr-x.  3 root        root          33280 Feb 12 14:56 db
drwx------.  5 tu_iioba01  tu_tu         25600 Jan  8 14:42 tu_iioba01-alphafold3

As you can see from the file permissions, the resulting workspace can only be accessed by you, not by other group members or other users.


Each compute node provides local storage, which is much faster than accessing project and work file systems.
When you execute a job, a dedicated temporary directory will be assigned to it on the compute node. This is often referred to as the scratch directory.
Programs frequently generate temporary data only needed during execution. If the program you are using offers an option for setting a temporary directory,
please configure it to use the scratch directory.
You can use the environment variable $TMPDIR, which will point to your job's scratch directory.

Batch System Basics

On HPC clusters like BinAC 2, you don't run analyses directly on the login node. Instead, you write a script and submit it as a job to the batch system. BinAC 2 uses SLURM as its batch system. The system then schedules the job to run on one of the available compute nodes, where the actual computation takes place.

The cluster consists of compute nodes with different hardware features.
These hardware features are only available when submitting the jobs to the correct partitions.

The getting started guide only provides very basic SLURM information.
Please read the extensive SLURM documentation.

Simple Script Job

You will have to write job scripts in order to conduct your computations on BinAC 2. Use your favourite text editor to create simple job script called ''.


Please note that there are differences between Windows and Linux line endings. Make sure that your editor uses Linux line endings when you are using Windows. You can check your line endings with vim -b <your script>. Windows line endings will be displayed as ^M.

#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=10:00
#SBATCH --mem=5000m
#SBATCH --job-name=simple

echo "Scratch directory: $TMPDIR"
echo "Date:"

echo "My job is running on node:"
uname -a

sleep 240

Basic SLURM commands

Submit the job script you wrote with sbatch.

$ sbatch
Submitted batch job 75441

Take a note of your jobID. The scheduler will reserve one core and 5000MB memory for 5 minutes on a compute node for your job.
The job should be scheduled within seconds if BinAC 2 is not fully busy. The output will be stored in a file called slurm-<JobID>.out

$ cat slurm-75441.out 
Scratch directory: /scratch/75441
Thu Feb 13 09:56:41 AM CET 2025
My job is running on node:
Linux node1-083 5.14.0-503.14.1.el9_5.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Nov 15 12:04:32 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

There are tons of options, details and caveats for SLURM job script. Most of them are explained in the SLURM documentation. If you encounter any problems, just send a mail to

You can get an overview of your queued and running jobs with squeue

[tu_iioba01@login01 ~]$ squeue --user=$USER
             75441   compute   simple tu_iioba  R       0:03      1 node1-083

Let's assume you pulled a Homer and want to stop/kill/remove a running job.

scancel <JobID>


There are several mechanisms how software can be installed on BinAC 2. If you need software that is not installed on BinAC 2, open a ticket and we can find a way to provide the software on the cluster.

Environment Modules

Environment modules is the 'classic' way for providing software on clusters. A module consists of a specific software version and can be loaded. The module system then manipulates the PATH and other environment variables such that the software can be used.

# Show available modules
$ module avail

# Load a module
$ module load bio/samtools/1.21

# Show the module's help
$ module help bio/samtools/1.21

A more detailed description of module environments can be found on this wiki page

Sometimes software packages have so many dependencies or the user wants a combination of tools, so that environment modules cannot be used in a meaningful way. Then other solutions like Conda environments or Singularity containers (see below) can be used.

Conda Environments

Conda environments are a nice possibility for creating custom environments on the cluster, as a majority of the scientific software is available in the meantime as conda packages. BinAC 2 already provides Conda via Miniforge. You can find a general documtation for using Conda on on this wiki page.

Apptainer (formerly Singularity)

Sometimes software is also available in a software container format. Apptainer (formerly called Singularity) is installed on all BinAC 2 nodes. You can pull Apptainer containers or Docker images from registries onto BinAC 2 and use them. You can also build new Apptainer containers on your own machine and copy them to BinAC.

Please note that Apptainer containers should be stored in the project file system. We configured Apptainer such that containers stored in your home directory do not work.