NEMO2/Migrate NEMO1 workspaces to NEMO2 workspaces

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You can migrate your NEMO1 workspace to NEMO2 using rsync or the migratenemo1ws script.

Login to NEMO2 (after registration):

ssh -l <username>

Using migratenemo1ws to migrate workspaces

You can migrate your NEMO1 workspace to NEMO2 using the migratenemo1ws script. It will migrate your NEMO1 workspace to NEMO2 using rsync with predefined options-a -h -x -z -P --progress:

-a: archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H, -A, -X)
-h: output numbers in a human-readable format
-x: don't cross filesystem boundaries
-z: compress file data during the transfer
-P: keep partially transferred files
--progress: show progress during transfer

This leads to the following command:

rsync -ahxzP --progress<username>-<nemo1wsname>-0/ /work/classic/<username>-<nemo2wsname>/

The script will also delete files in the target that are not in the source, if you use the -d option. To test the migration without transferring any files, use the -n option for a dry run. If you want to clean up the installation files and exit, use the -c option.

The help message is as follows:

user@login3 ~> migratenemo1ws -h
  /usr/local/bin/migratenemo1ws [-h] [-c] [-d] [-n] [-s <source>] [-t <target>]

  -h            this help
  -c            cleanup installation files and exit
  -d            delete files in target that are not in source
  -n            perform a dry run without transferring any files
  -s <source>   use this NEMO1 workspace name as source
  -t <target>   use this NEMO2 workspace name as target

  /usr/local/bin/migratenemo1ws -s nemo1ws -t nemo2ws

Migrating workspaces may take a while, depending on the amount of data to be transferred.
We suggest to run this script in a screen/tmux session.
You can detach from the session by pressing Ctrl+A, D (Ctrl+B, D, for tmux).
You can reattach to the session by running <code>screen -r</code> (<code>tmux attach</code>).
You can cancel the migration by pressing Ctrl+C.

It is recommended to run this script in a screen or tmux session, as the migration may take a while. You can detach from the session by pressing Ctrl+A, D (Ctrl+B, D, for tmux). You can reattach to the session by running screen -r (tmux attach). You can cancel the migration by pressing Ctrl+C.

# For screen users:
# start a screen session
screen -S migratenemo1ws
# start data migration
migratenemo1ws -s nemo1ws -t nemo2ws
# detach from the screen session
Ctrl+A, D
# reattach to the screen session
screen -r migratenemo1ws
# cancel migration, if needed
# exit screen session, when done

# For tmux users:
# start a tmux session
tmux new -s migratenemo1ws
# start data migration
migratenemo1ws -s nemo1ws -t nemo2ws
# detach from the tmux session
Ctrl+B, D
# reattach to the tmux session
tmux attach -t migratenemo1ws
# cancel migration, if needed
# exit tmux session, when done

Using rsync manually

rsync is a fast and versatile file copying tool. It can be used to migrate your NEMO1 workspace to NEMO2.

You can use the above command to migrate your NEMO1 workspace to NEMO2:

rsync -ahxzP --progress<username>-<nemo1wsname>-0/ /work/classic/<username>-<nemo2wsname>/

To test which files will be transferred without actually transferring them, use the --dry-run option:

rsync -ahxzP --progress --dry-run<username>-<nemo1wsname>-0/ /work/classic/<username>-<nemo2wsname>/

To delete files in the target that are not in the source, use the --delete option:

rsync -ahxzP --progress --delete<username>-<nemo1wsname>-0/ /work/classic/<username>-<nemo2wsname>/

Migrating directories from old NEMO1 HOME

We suggest migrating only files that are needed for your work. Try not to copy everything from your old NEMO1 home directory, since it may contain a lot of unnecessary files.

You can migrate directories in your old NEMO1 home directory to NEMO2 using rsync with the following command: rsync -ahxzP --progress<dirtomigrate>/ $HOME/nemo1homebak/<dirtomigrate>/


# migrate some job directory from old NEMO1 home to NEMO2 (replace <some_job> with the actual directory name)
mkdir -p $HOME/nemo1homebak/<some_job>/
rsync -ahxzP --progress<some_job>/ $HOME/nemo1homebak/<some_job>/

To test which files will be transferred without actually transferring them, use the --dry-run option:

rsync -ahxzP --progress --dry-run<dirtomigrate>/ $HOME/nemo1homebak/<dirtomigrate>/

To delete files in the target that are not in the source, use the --delete option:

rsync -ahxzP --progress --delete<dirtomigrate>/ $HOME/nemo1homebak/<dirtomigrate>/