The bwForCluster NEMO 2 uses Slurm ( for scheduling compute jobs.
Slurm Command Overview
Slurm commands | Brief explanation |
sbatch | Submits a job and queues it in an input queue |
salloc | Request resources for an interactive job |
squeue | Displays information about active, eligible, blocked, and/or recently completed jobs |
scontrol | Displays detailed job state information |
sstat | Displays status information about a running job |
scancel | Cancels a job |
seff | Shows the "job efficiency" of a job after it has finished |
Submitting Jobs on the bwForCluster NEMO 2
Batch jobs are submitted with the command:
$ sbatch <job-script>
A job script contains options for Slurm in lines beginning with #SBATCH as well as your commands which you want to execute on the compute nodes. For example:
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --time=00:14:00
#SBATCH --mem=1gb
echo 'Here starts the calculation'
You can override options from the script on the command-line:
$ sbatch --time=03:00:00 <job-script>
Resource Requests
Important resource request options for the Slurm command sbatch are:
Option | Slurm (sbatch) |
#SBATCH | Script directive |
--time=<hh:mm:ss> (-t <hh:mm:ss>) | Wall time limit |
--job-name=<name> (-J <name>) | Job name |
--nodes=<count> (-N <count>) | Node count |
--ntasks=<count> (-n <count>) | Core count |
--ntasks-per-node=<count> | Process count per node |
--mem=<limit> | Memory limit per node |
--mem-per-cpu=<limit> | Memory limit per process |
--gres=gpu:<count> | GPU count (gres = "generic resource") |
--gres=scratch:<count> | Disk space of <count> GB per requested task |
--exclusive | Node exclusive job |
Nodes and Cores
Slurm provides a number of options to request nodes and cores.
Typically, using --nodes=<count>
and --ntasks-per-node=<count>
should work for all your jobs. For single core jobs, it would be sufficient to use the option --ntasks=1
. Specifying only --ntasks
may lead to slurm trying to distribute tasks over more than one node even if you requested a small amount of cores.
Memory can be requested with either the option --mem=<limit>
(memory per node) or --mem-per-cpu=<limit>
(memory per process). When looking up the maximum available memory for a certain node type subtract about 5 GB for the operating system. Specify the memory limit as a value-unit-pair, for example 500mb or 8gb.
In most cases it is preferable to use the --mem=<limit>
GPUs are requested as "generic resources" with --gres:gpu:<count>
Default Values
Default values for jobs are:
- Runtime: --time=01:00:00 (1 hour)
- Nodes: --nodes=1 (one node)
- Tasks: --tasks-per-node=1 (one task per node)
- Cores: --cpus-per-task=1 (one core per task)
- Memory: --mem-per-cpu=1gb (1 GB per core)
On bwForCluster NEMO 2 it is optional to request a partition with '--partition=<partition_name>' on job submission. Within a partition job allocations are routed automatically to the most suitable compute node(s) for the requested resources (e.g. amount of nodes and cores, memory, number of GPUs). The "CPU" partition is the default partition, if no partition is requested.
The partitions cpu, milan and genoa are operated in shared mode, i.e. jobs from different users can run on the same node. Jobs can get exclusive access to compute nodes in these partitions with the "--exclusive" option.
GPUs will follow within the next weeks.
Partition | Node Access Policy | Nodes | Default | Limits |
cpu | shared | milan, genoa | ntasks=1, time=01:00:00, mem-per-cpu=1gb | time=96:00:00 |
genoa | shared | genoa | ntasks=1, time=01:00:00, mem-per-cpu=1gb | time=96:00:00 |
milan (currently offline) | shared | milan | ntasks=1, time=01:00:00, mem-per-cpu=1gb | time=96:00:00 |
Monitoring Jobs with squeue
After you submitted the job, you can see it waiting using the squeue
(also read the man page with man squeue
for more information on how to use the command)
> squeue
426 cpu 20k fr_0123 R 0:02 2 n[4101-4102]
Output shows:
- JOBID: the jobid is an unique number your job gets
- PARTITION: the cluster can be divided in different types of nodes.
- NAME: the name you gave your job with the --job-name= option
- USER: your username
- ST: the state the job is in. R = running, PD = pending, CD = completed. See man page for a full list on states.
- TIME: how long the job has been running
- NODES: how many nodes were requested
- NODELIST(REASON): either show the node(s) the job is running on, or a reason why it hasn't started
You can then show more info on one specific running job using the scontrol
command, e.g for the job with ID 426 listed above:
scontrol show job 426
displays detailed information for job with JobID 426
scontrol show jobs
displays detailed information for all your jobs
scontrol write batch_script 426 -
display job script of a running job. The "-" is a special filename which means "write to the terminal".
Monitoring a Started Job
After a job has started, you can ssh from a login node to the node(s) the job is running on, using the node name from NODELIST, e.g. if your job runs on n4101:
> ssh n4101
Job Examples
Here you can find some example scripts for batch jobs.
Serial Programs
#SBATCH --partition=cpu
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=20:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=3800mb
- Jobs with "--mem" up to 500gb can run on all node types associated with the cpu partition.
Multi-threaded Programs
#SBATCH --partition=cpu
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32
#SBATCH --time=01:30:00
#SBATCH --mem=50gb
- Jobs with "--ntasks-per-node" up to 126 and "--mem" up to 500gb can run on all node types associated with the cpu partition.
- With "export OMP_NUM_THREADS=${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK}" you can set the number of threads according to the number of resources requested.
MPI Programs
#SBATCH --partition=cpu
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=126
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00
module load mpi/openmpi # loads gcc
srun ./my_mpi_program
- "--mem" requests the memory per node. The maximum is 500gb.
- The Compiler and MPI modules used for the compilation must be loaded before the start of the program.
- It is recommended to start MPI programs with 'srun'.
Interactive Jobs
Interactive jobs must NOT run on the login nodes, however resources for interactive jobs can be requested using srun. The following examples requests an interactive session on 1 core for 2 hours.
$ salloc --partition=cpu --ntasks=1 --time=2:00:00
After execution of this command wait until the queueing system has granted you the requested resources. Once granted you will be automatically logged on the allocated compute node.
If you use applications or tools which provide a GUI, enable X-forwarding for your interactive session with. We suggest using VNC instead of X-forwarding:
$ salloc --partition=cpu-single --ntasks=1 --time=2:00:00 --x11
Once the walltime limit has been reached you will be automatically logged out from the compute node.
Job Monitoring
Information about submitted jobs
For an overview of your submitted jobs use the command:
$ squeue
To get detailed information about a specific job use the command:
$ scontrol show job <jobid>
A job start may be delayed for various reasons:
- (QOSMaxCpuPerUserLimit) - There is a limit to how many CPU cores a user can use at the same time. The job exceeds this limit.
- (QOSMaxGRESPerUser) - There is a limit to how many GPUs a user can use at the same time. The job exceeds this limit.
- (QOSMinGRES) - The job was submitted to a gpu partition without requesting a GPU.
- (launch failed requeued held) - The job has failed to start. You may be able to resume it using scontrol. Alternatively you can cancel it and submit it again.
For further reasons please refer to:
Information about resource usage of running jobs
You can monitor the resource usage of running jobs with the sstat command. For example:
$ sstat --format=JobId,AveCPU,AveRSS,MaxRSS -j <jobid>
This will show average CPU time, average and maximum memory consumption of all tasks in the running job.
'sstat -e' command shows a list of fields that can be specified with the '--format' option.
Interactive access to running jobs
It is also possible to attach an interactive shell to a running job with command:
$ srun --jobid=<jobid> --overlap --pty /bin/bash
Commands like 'top' show you the most busy processes on the node. To exit 'top' type 'q'.
To monitor your GPU processes use the command 'nvidia-smi'.
Job Feedback
You get feedback on resource usage and job efficiency for completed jobs with the command:
$ seff <jobid>
Example Output:
Job ID: 426
Cluster: nemo
User/Group: fr_ab0123/fr_fr
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 2
Cores per node: 190
CPU Utilized: 19:13:22
CPU Efficiency: 91.06% of 21:06:40 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:03:20
Memory Utilized: 15.48 GB
Memory Efficiency: 1.10% of 1.38 TB
- Nodes: Number of allocated nodes for the job.
- Cores per node: Number of physical cores per node allocated for the job.
- CPU Utilized: Sum of utilized core time.
- CPU Efficiency: 'CPU Utilized' with respect to core-walltime (= 'Nodes' x 'Cores per node' x 'Job Wall-clock time') in percent.
- Job Wall-clock time: runtime of the job.
- Memory Utilized: Sum of memory used. For multi node MPI jobs the sum is only correct when srun is used instead of mpirun.
- Memory Efficiency: 'Memory Utilized' with respect to total allocated memory for the job.
Accounting (not implemented)
Jobs are billed for allocated CPU cores, memory and GPUs.
To see the accounting data of a specific job:
$ sacct -j <jobid> --format=user,jobid,account,nnodes,ncpus,time,elapsed,AllocTRES%50
To retrive the job history for a specific user for a certain time frame:
$ sacct -u <user> -S 2025-03-01 -E 2025-03-02 --format=user,jobid,account,nnodes,ncpus,time,elapsed,AllocTRES%50