Data Transfer/All Data Transfer Routes

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All Data Transfer Routes

The following tables provide a full overview on the various transfer options depending on the system that you are coming from and the system you want to transfer your data to. The recommended options are marked in the table with W(indows)/M(acOS)/L(inux) added next to the '✓' sign.
'[✓]' means that this option is possible but might be the worst choice of the given ones.

Copy and Sync via commandline

Network protocol Underlying network protocol Description/When to use Executable on Transfer from/to
Linux Mac Windows bwUni Cluster bwFor Cluster bwHPC Cluster SDS@hd
WebDav via Rclone http(s) Needs installation. Multithreaded. Works on two completely remote locations as well. Transfers whole files.
sftp via Rclone ssh see above [✓]
rsync ssh Synchronization of data. One side must be a local drive. Can spot differences in files and transfer only the changes. [✓]
scp ssh For copying data [✓]
sftp ssh Interactive shell for copying data

Mounting via commandline

Network protocol Underlying protocol Description/When to use Executable on Transfer from/to
Linux Mac Windows bwUniCluster bwForCluster bwHPC cluster SDS@hd
WebDAV via Rclone mount http(s) Needs installation
sshfs see sftp ( L, M )
smb none Mapping of a network drive L ✓ (M, W)
NFSv4 none One-time installation effort (Kerberos, ID mapping). For servers, microscopes, multi-user environments, ...

Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)

GUIs Underlying protocols Description/When to use Executable on Transfer from/to
Linux Mac Windows bwUniCluster bwForCluster bwHPC cluster SDS@hd
MobaXterm SSH, RSync, SFTP ( W )
Filezilla SFTP
Cyberduck SFTP, WebDAV
WebDAV via browser WebDAV download single files