BwUniCluster2.0/FAQ - broadwell partition

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FAQs concerning best practice of bwUniCluster broadwell (aka "extension") partition.

1 Login

1.1 Are there separate login nodes for the bwUniCluster broadwell partition?

  • Yes, but primarily to be used for compiling code.
  • You can directly login on broadwell partition using
  • If you login uc1, even though you can use broadwell nodes using the same procedure as 'compute nodes'. The submitted job will be distributed on broadwell nodes also.
   example: msub -q singlenode 
            msub -q multinode
  • But for the compilation you have to use the appropriate flags

2 Compilation

2.1 Q1

  • To compile the same jobs on uc1 and uc1e, you have to use appropriate flags. Otherwise the submitted jobs will be crashed. Some of the main flags are:

3 Job execution

3.1 Q2